Wildlife Photography Tips

Wildlife Photography Tips

Getting caught up in the day-to-day life of city living is easy to do and beyond the buildings, the world can be a wild, adventurous place so we’ve put together some useful wildlife photography tips.

Although the concrete jungle has its own ecosystem of sorts (see: rats, pigeons), there’s way more species inhabiting the planet; there are creatures in every crevice of the globe.

Wildlife photographers not only capture the magic of the world around us and they encourage us, the day-to-day livers to look beyond ourselves, to step outside of our comfort zones. The world is a wonderful, inspiring place and wildlife photographers remind us of that with their captivating images.

Wildlife Photography Tips

1. Know Your Gear

Wildlife Photography Tips - Know Your Gear

2. Know Your Subject

Wildlife Photography Tips - Know Your Subject

3. Shoot Wider

Wildlife Photography Tips - Shoot Wider

4. Shoot Closer

Wildlife Photography Tips - Shoot Closer

5. The Importance of Light

Wildlife Photography Tips - The Importance of Light

6. Use a Fast Shutter Speed

Wildlife Photography Tips - Use a Fast Shutter Speed

7. Don’t Use Flash

Wildlife Photography Tips - Don't Use Flash

8. Use a Long Lens

Wildlife Photography Tips - Use Long Lens

9. Make Negative Space Work for You

Wildlife Photography Tips - Make Negative Space Work For You

10. Create a Wildlife Panorama

Wildlife Photography Tips - Create A Wildlife Panorama

11. Patience is a Virtue, So Arm Yourself With It

Wildlife Photography Tips - Patience Is A Virtue, So Arm Yourself With It

12. Think Outside a Box

Wildlife Photography Tips - Think Outside A Box




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